Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wouldn't you know??

Less than a month ago I received my certified copy of Martin Holloway's 1906 Texas Death Certificate, at a cost of $20. 

Just today, I noticed that FamilySearch has posted more online images of Texas Death Certificates, including Martin's. 

Oh, well....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blevins research

I've been doing some research on the Blevins family recently. Not distant research on early Blevins ancestors in my husband's, I've been trying to sort out his THREE different lines that lived in the same community. There were a LOT of Blevins families in the Walnut Grove area of Wilkes County and in Ashe and Alleghany.

And yes, I called them different lines. But, according to other researchers and y-DNA testing, they are really all related. No wonder I'm confused!